ebadge.gif (7111 bytes)Troop 33 Eagle Scoutrnkeagle.gif (6599 bytes)
Hall of Fame

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The fact that a boy is an Eagle Scout has always carried with it a special significance, not only in Scouting but also as he enters higher education, business or industry, and community service.  The award is a performance-based achievement whose standards have been well-maintained over the years. Not every boy who joins a Boy Scout troop earns the Eagle Scout rank; only about 2.5 percent of all Boy Scouts do so. This represents more than 1 million Boy Scouts who have earned the rank since 1911. Nevertheless, the goals of Scouting - citizenship training, character development, and personal fitness - remain important for all Scouts, whether or not they attain the Eagle Scout rank.

Name                                 Year

Edward Seidel      1920s
James Duncan       1920s
John Coffman Jr.   1920s
Eugene Dunn        1920s
Albert Harned      1926
Robert Coffman     1927
Frank W. Moorman Jr.  1927
James Parker       1926
Ralph Shure        1924
Huron Smith        1927
Winfred Weigelt    1926
Charles Hooker     1930s
Waldo Schmitt      1930s
Ronald Spangenberg 1940s
Ernest Harmon      1940s
Robert Magness     1940s
Ray Greenfield     1940s
Donald Griffin     1942
James Krumke       1960s
Karl Krumke III    1960s
Walter Dye         1960s
David Grabe        1960s
Gary Colangelo     1960s
Mark Colangelo     1960s
Karl Gordon        1970s
Scott Freese       1975
Alan Stern         1976
Greg Freese        1977
Joe Aloi           1974
David Magee        1978
Lem Satterfield    1981
Jesse Magee        1982

Name                               Year

Tim Magee        1982
Tom Zakielarz Jr.1982
Chris Phillips   1983
Chat Ewing       1984
Chris Holland    1985
Mike Edwards     1987
Brian Thompson   1987
Scott Patti      1988
Ian Anderson     1990
Cole Giordano    1991
Todd Agro        1991
Clint Sidwell    1991
Kevin Patti      1992
Damian Ossi      1994
Karl Leukfield   1994
Chris Newman     1997
Mike Mussenden   1998
Mark Larsen      1998
Patrick Dwiggins 1998
Alex Isley       1998
Tyke Nunez       1998
Page Weil        1999
Alex Musto       1999
Graeme Bannerman 2001
Jim Vorhies      2002
Dan Munson       2004
Peter Musto      2004
Zach Poling      2004
Jimmy Lowe       2005
Ben Tousley      2006
Louis Weil       2006
Thomas Vorhies   2006
Jonah Gold       2006








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